2024-2025 Award Recipients!
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 award recipients!
- Kristen East MA in Counseling
- Candise Greenlee MA in Curriculum and Instruction
- Lauren Henricksen BS in Anthropology
- Nicole Keller MA in Marriage and Family Therapy
- Louise-Amorette Chiossi MS Material Science and Nano Engineering
- Stacey Lind BA Education and Teaching Credential
- Kylie Roppolo BS Nursing
- Gretchen Showalter MS Particle Physics
A reception will be held this summer to recognize these women and to express our sincere best wishes for success on their academic journey.
The Scholarship Application period for 2025-2026 is now open. To qualify women must live or work within the boundaries of the Peninsula School District 401 and have experienced an interruption in their education of at least one year. Click FAQ for more information on qualifying criteria.
In The News:
Minerva Scholarship application cycle opens
The Minerva Scholarship Fund’s 2024-’25 application cycle is now open. The application deadline is March 31.
Women who live or work within Peninsula School District boundaries, and who have experienced at least a one-year interruption in their education and intend to return to complete a degree or certification, are eligible to apply.
Donations to the Minerva Scholarship Fund provide support to women in our local Gig Harbor and Key Peninsula community. Many of the recipients would not be able to pursue their educational dreams without Minerva’s support.
A contribution to Minerva in honor of a friend or family member makes a wonderful gift!
Minerva Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 2705
Gig Harbor, WA. 98335
The Application period for 2024-2025 is now closed
Applications for 2025-2026 will be available in January 2025
Email: minervagigharbor@gmail.com