Receiving the Minerva Scholarship is an invaluable opportunity that will significantly aid my academic journey and professional aspirations…. With this award, I can focus entirely on my studies, which will significantly contribute to my efforts on developing sustainable materials for technological application, ultimately aiding the advancement of my field and benefiting the broader community.

I feel honored to be a recipient of this wonderful scholarship gift…The decision of finally going back to school at my age has weighed on me far too long. I am finally choosing me and making a dream of mine come true…Working full time and taking classes has had some challenges, however, I have stayed focused and determined. I have even made it on the Dean’s list every quarter. I am persevering through this chapter of my life all the way.

To the Generous donors and members of the Minerva Scholarship fund, I want to say thank you. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to pursue my career goals and prove my academic abilities. With the funds from this scholarship and support it represents, I know I can actualize my true potential as a student, a nurse, and an efficacious addition to society. With gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

Receiving the Minerva Scholarship is important to me because I feel a confidence to continue forward with my studies knowing I will always have the support of this community. This scholarship also means a level of financial stability that I was unable to ensure before.

William James once said, “the deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” As a future LMFT my goal is to help facilitate this appreciation within my clients. I am filled with gratitude for the Minerva Scholarship Fund to support me and my fellow recipients in our quest to follow our educational and professional dreams.

After taking a gap year to work, I found that I was not satisfied withs working just for the sake of getting by. I want to do something I am truly passionate about, and I am beyond grateful to the Minerva board members for helping me pursue my passions.

As an educator, I understand the many hurdles and roadblocks to higher education, and I am grateful the largest factor of cost was lifted from my path. Thank you so very much for your support.

I am honored to receive a Minerva scholarship and join the ranks of other ambitious and talented women in my community. Balancing work and school as a graduate student can be challenging, and this generous scholarship will allow me to invest more of my time and energy into my classes and internships as I pursue my Master of Arts in Counseling at St. Martin's University.